Feb 25, 2013
Max here. I am just fine, thank you.
The nights are getting longer and cooler, and I notice all the squirrels are fatter and more insolent. And the annoying thing is that I have to wake Liana and Don up in pitch blackness to get fed at 4:45am. Sometimes forcefully. Sometimes by staring balefully at their faces with my snout ½ inch from their face until my dank exhale cakes their eyes with gunk. Don’t feel sorry for them. They know who they’re dealing with.
Thank Dog this summer is almost over. That stupid “baseball” Don listens to will end soon and rotten apples will be all over the ground just waiting for a smart dog like me to eat them up by the dozen. Of course I hate it when Don & Liana rake up all the leaves into a big pile. I get yelled at when I try to get theleaves into a more natural state. And I’ll need to practice my surprised look when Don pops out of the leaf pile for the 73,912,063rd time to scare me. Actually, now that I think about it– it will be really funny to see Auggie jump 5ft in the air like a little whelp-pup when Don pops out of the leaf pile that first time. Scratch that. I can’t wait for the leaf pile.
But I really can’t wait for it to be -20 degrees with blowing snow again. I just love sliding on my back and belly down steep, endless, snow-covered hills as fast as I can. It’s awfully, awfully dangerous, but I am a natural risk-taker with nerves of steel and tendons like a finely-tuned piano. And I have been training for this my entire life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mto_OpOmNsk PLEASE DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!!! Please go safely home to your families instead of copying my insatiable adrenaline addiction.
Although it’s a much slower pace than belly sliding, I’m really looking forward to the Annual Walk for the Animals on October 14th in Boothbay Harbor. It’s a grueling 2 mile course– complete with a 9am Sunday start, gentle hills, and leaves that look like thin donuts or squirrels blowing across the pavement. Don will be walking all three of us dogs the entire 2 miles, so I’ll need to get into shape. I’m thinking of running instead of walking out from the back of the shop when someone gives Coal or The Seagull attention or a treat (Editor’s note: Don calls Auggie “The Seagull” because he circles the treat tray at the shop and fights over dropped treats like a gull fighting over a french fry in a restaurant parking lot).
But what’s really cool about this whole thing is that every dollar we raise benefits the Lincoln County Animal Shelter. How it works is that people pledge to walk their animals the ENTIRE course, and other people pledge money if—IF the walkers complete the course. The Shop is looking for people to pick up pledge sheets, get pledges, and walk the course. But if you are sane and don’t want to get up early on a Sunday in October to walk your pet, you can always just pledge us at Two Salty Dogs! We don’t care how you pledge, or how much you pledge. We will take $1 pledges with a credit card, or for $0.01 cash at the shop. You can mail it to us, or call in with your credit card. But please support the Lincoln County Animal Shelter Spay and Neuter Program however you can!
Thank you for reading this far. And now I’m going to read more about their Spay and Neuter Program……
All the Best!
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