Sep 9, 2013
Max here. I am just fine, thank you.
Just a quick update on the Mutt Scrub– We raised over $1,000 for the Lincoln County Animal Shelter and BARKK! Everyone did such a great job! And Coal won the the dog version of musical chairs (Editors Note: When the music stops, the last dog not sitting is eliminated). He was so proud of himself, and to tell you the truth I was proud of him too. And I love the picture posted on Facebook of Old Man Coal howling for the Talent Show. Auggie had so much fun at the Mutt Scrub he decided he was going to spend the next day over at the park by himself (looking for leftover food scraps, no doubt). Boy, did he get yelled at! He had to spend the rest of the day behind the counter with no treats. And that’s like 50 years in a Gulag with only bread and water to that pup.
Anyway, we all had so much fun at the Mutt Scrub we are definitely going to do it again next year! Block out the last Saturday in July right now for the rest of your life and come to Boothbay Harbor! You know you want to. I’m writing this at Chez Salty on Tumbleweed Tuesday (Editor’s Note: The Tuesday after Labor Day). Auggie is asleep on the couch, and Coal is muckling his stuffed penguin. Don & Liana are making something very yummy-smelling in the kitchen. I hope they spill some of it on the green shag carpeting on the way to the table.
It was a crazy-busy summer, but we all pulled together and got through it with our tails still attached. Now comes the long, slow, slow, slow slide to winter. My favorite time of the year! I can just feel the crunchy snow scratching my belly as I seal-slide down snowbanks…I can feel the refreshing 35-degree ocean and the brisk minus10-degree air….and of course pinning Auggie’s head under powdery newly-fallen snow until he yelps……such good times…
But the season of Fall is no slouch for a dog of discerning tastes such as myself. There are delectable rotten apples, lots of deer poop to roll in, and I look devastating in my custom hunting vest from Doggie Safe n’ Dry, if I do say so myself. The trouble is that I am SOOOO exhausted from the summer that I can’t truly appreciate the Fall. I’ve found that treats can help. And this is where you come in.
Drop by for Harbor Fest on September 27th – 29th and get me a bunch of treats from the free treat bowl. I can show you where the bowl is, but make sure to ask Don to fill it if there are none in the silver lobster claws. It will be such a blessing to get my strength back with all your love and treats and I would hate for you to miss the chance to help me recuperate.
After you have stopped by the shop and contributed to my recovery, there are plenty of things for you to do during Harbor Fest! There’s an all-ages Harbor Crawl on Friday where you can follow a map to participating shops, inns, and restaurants for yummy goodness. Also- there’s a store display competition that Liana has her heart set on winning, so help her if you can!
On Saturday, after you drop by the shop and give me some treats, there will be a Treasure Hunt with a $250 grand prize, The 2nd Annual Chowder and Chili Challenge, and an after-hours party at the Watershed Tavern. Portland’s own Dispatch Magazine will be providing live music at both the Whale Park during the day and at the Watershed Tavern after-hours. And don’t forget to sign up for the 5k Run on Sunday at the link above if that’s your thing. I’m keeping my butt planted close to free treat bowl. And there’s so many more things are going on I can’t list them all here. You’ll just have to come in the shop and give me a treat for every great thing to do. That’s a lot of treats!
And remember, I’m the 6yr-old they call Max, not the 2yr-old they call “Seagull” or Auggie. And well…Coal…Give him one for me, but don’t give him mine.
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