Aug 1, 2022
[Editor’s Note: We’ve been trying to get Ted to write a blog since we got him in April 2019. He stubbornly refuses. However, we found his diary. He calls his Diary his “Diarrhea.”] Dear Diarrhea, I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written. There’s been a lot going on here and I’m not sure […]
Continue ReadingJul 1, 2021
EDITOR’S NOTE: Teddy wrote this before Buddy passed. The Grand Mal seizure was one of the indications that something was wrong with Buddy. Don’t think Teddy is insensitive or cruel. Dear Diarrhea [Editor’s Note: Diary] Everyone’s all worried about that idiot Buddy again. Well I’m sick of it. I always disliked that dog and now […]
Continue ReadingJan 1, 2021
Dear Diarrhea,
This place is so stupid. “Chez Salty” is so depressing and stupid. The only person I like is Liana. She’s the only one here who’s smart. I can’t believe she likes all these idiots. Why doesn’t she run away into the woods? I hope it’s not because of me. All Liana needs to do is give me the word. Hopefully she’ll bring a bunch of towels because I hate going out in the rain.
Continue ReadingAug 1, 2020
Editor’s Note: We’ve been trying to get Ted to write a blog since we got him from Old Dogs New Digs in April 2019. He stubbornly refuses. However, we found his diary (He calls it “Diarrhea”). These are excerpts. PLEASE DON’T TELL HIM WE HAVE HIS DIARY. —————————————————————————- Dear Diarrhea, When I first got to […]
Continue ReadingMar 1, 2020
Editor’s Note: We’ve been trying to get Teddy to write a blog since we got him from Old Dogs New Digs (ODND) in April. He stubbornly refuses. However, we found his diary. PLEASE DON’T TELL HIM WE HAVE HIS DIARY. Also – because this is a diary, there is stronger language than a normal dog blog. Also, you […]
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