Jan 31, 2025
Now we come to the uncomfortable crux of this entire piece. I will say out loud what most would ignore or not repeat: This blog really stinks on ice as of late.
If you disagree, I encourage you to bare-knuckle fight me in the comments.
Continue ReadingNov 1, 2024
My comrades refuse to have my “back.” They are your typical tiring, over-privileged, reactionary American Canine debris. And then there’s Don, the Biped version of Magilla Gorilla.
Continue ReadingAug 1, 2024
The brutal passage of time spares none. Not mayfly, Canine, Biped, dinosaur, trilobite, suns, galaxies nor even black holes. Time is a one-way track originating in an infinite past, charging over us in but an instant, and rushing on to the infinite future without a single hiccough from any living or inanimate entity in its trajectory.
Continue ReadingApr 1, 2024
Greetings, miscreants. Welcome to a little spot of sanity in this crazy, crazy world. Consider this a refuge from the harsh realities of the outside world. This is your oasis. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You didn’t really believe that, did you? You Bipeds are so stupid and cow-like! In reality, all you thousands of Biped muppets try to […]
Continue ReadingJan 1, 2024
I am Augustus Megatron Bulldozer Kingsbury.
I am a 12-yr old Black Labrador Retriever from outstanding blood and hip lines. Chances are that my combined SAT score (1600+) is better than yours and your dough-faced, over-privileged children combined.
I am a dog. I have seen many spectacular things in my twelve years of life.
Continue ReadingJul 1, 2023
Dear Augustus;
I am a Golden Retriever and my Bipeds dress me up in just ridiculous thick coats in the winter. Then they shave me in the summer. I look like a fool and I get sunburned! I scratch and scratch and scratch after I’m shaved, but the Bipeds take no notice.
May 1, 2023
Regard me and be warned, Bipeds. I resolve not to be the recipient of your guff, bullroar, hogwash, claptrap, bunk, or other such codswallop. Bipeds pay taxes and get to vote. Bipeds thus control the game and get redress for their many grievances in multiple avenues. I require food to live, and so my Biped […]
Continue ReadingJan 1, 2023
Editor’s Note: The opinions, descriptions, ratings, characterizations, insults, malapropisms, and vituperations are the sole province of Augustus Megatron Bulldozer Kingsbury- a dog. Two Salty Dogs Pet Outfitters cannot take responsibility for this atrocity. I’ve been held captive in this pathetic appendix of a town for longer than I care to admit. I am described as […]
Continue ReadingSep 1, 2022
We live in evil times. You slothful whelps out there hardly know meaning, suffering nor sacrifice from your own butt. You think everything is but little trinkets for your amusement and wonderment. Have you forgotten all the rabid raccoons, skunks, and porcupines we older generation hath fought for your basic freedoms? And what thanks do […]
Continue ReadingApr 1, 2022
You should know that for this Blog I originally proposed booking a flight to one of those primitive countries what delight in eating dogs. Then my plan was to stalk, hunt, kill, and eat a Dog-Eating Biped on Facebook Live. Don’t be so shocked. It is only a murder if it is Biped on Biped […]
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