Dec 1, 2023
There’s nothing better than eating a smoked pig ear in the warm October sun!!! Maybe eating two smoked pig ears in the warm October sun!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was a funny joke!!!!!!
Continue ReadingNov 1, 2023
But “the experts” also said at one time that attaching leeches to someone’s private parts would cure them of being phlegmatic. Or was it mercurial? No matter. Just thinking that leeches could cure anyone of anything should tell you that “the experts” are full of black bile and little demons scratching to get out of their skulls.
Continue ReadingOct 1, 2023
…unfortunately, my battle isn’t with interesting birds like Non-Philly Eagles, Bushtits, Masked Boobies, Dickscissels, Horned Screamers, or Titmouses. Not even a Common Shag. No. I’m battling uninteresting, small, gray birds. They’re not even song birds. They just kind of cheep-cheep and shit on everything….
Continue ReadingSep 1, 2023
HI!!!! My name is Marz!!! Or maybe it’s Fudgie!!! Don calls me Dum-Dum!!! I don’t know!!!! Maybe I have a whole bunch of names!!!! Maybe even three names if you count Knockitoff!!!! Maybe I even have names I don’t know yet!! Having lots of names is really fun!!! I really like balls!!! I started fetching […]
Continue ReadingAug 1, 2023
“Hi. My name is Don and I’ve been in retail for 12 years.” “Hi Don!” “I’ve owned a pet supply store and been exposed to the general public after having a cush, well-compensated engineering job rehabilitating earth dams on the west coast. At that time, I had a wife who loved me and the respect […]
Continue ReadingJul 1, 2023
Dear Augustus;
I am a Golden Retriever and my Bipeds dress me up in just ridiculous thick coats in the winter. Then they shave me in the summer. I look like a fool and I get sunburned! I scratch and scratch and scratch after I’m shaved, but the Bipeds take no notice.
Jun 1, 2023
Hi Everyone!! Thanks for reading my story!! I really like writing and I have a lot of stuff to write about now!! Have you ever been to “Doggy Daycare?!?!?” It’s the best!! It’s almost as good as 2 feet of snow on a mile-long beach!!! Auggie hates Doggy Daycare! He says it’s just a prison […]
Continue ReadingMay 1, 2023
Regard me and be warned, Bipeds. I resolve not to be the recipient of your guff, bullroar, hogwash, claptrap, bunk, or other such codswallop. Bipeds pay taxes and get to vote. Bipeds thus control the game and get redress for their many grievances in multiple avenues. I require food to live, and so my Biped […]
Continue ReadingApr 1, 2023
We lost Buddy in 2021, Max in 2022, and now Teddy in 2023. I’m truly sorry to dump another one of these “Dead Dog Stories” on you. Believe me, there’s nothing less I’d rather be doing. But I can’t let Teddy down. I loved him like I loved all my dogs. Maybe it’s the engineer […]
Continue ReadingMar 1, 2023
This post is exactly what it sounds like. Let’s go through them chronologically, shall we? MAXIMUS GARY vs. HYPER DOG The worst thing Max did was when he was about 3 months old. He ruined a wedding at the Lucerne Inn in Holden, Maine. Long-story short, he bolted through a gap in the drizzle drapes […]
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