Dec 1, 2019
Hi there! It’s Big Buddy writing the blog this month. I hope I don’t let you all down! Thank you for all your birthday wishes!!! I turned fourteen on November 23rd. That was also the Early Bird! The shop was so busy and there were so many people! I think they were singing “Happy Birthday” […]
Continue ReadingNov 1, 2019
Good Day, Malingerers. This is a long one. Don’t start it if you cannot finish it. I was given no warning. Don brought me to the truck and bade me inside. I thought we were going to the local park for Walkies and mayhap a treat for afters. As there were none of the other […]
Continue ReadingOct 1, 2019
Listen, I’ve been on vacation and therefore very negligent. I don’t have a fully-developed blog for you this month. Luckily, I DO have a lot of random, humorous story fragments. Kind of like the Dead Sea Scrolls. So I’m going to try a Quentin Tarantino move here. I’m just going to string along these unrelated […]
Continue ReadingSep 1, 2019
Max here. I am just fine, thank you! I want to tell you about a place that means a lot to me. I’ve been going to Gail’s House since I was an 8-week-old pup. From the minute I met her, I knew she was special. She speaks to me in a very high-pitched voice. Most […]
Continue ReadingAug 1, 2019
Hi everybody! It’s me, Big Buddy writing the blog. Thanks for reading them. I like writing them! Sometimes people I don’t even know come to the cabin when I’m asleep. I’m not a watchdog, so I don’t wake up. But sometimes when I’m asleep on the floor, the people roll this thing all over the […]
Continue ReadingJul 1, 2019
J’Accuse – “I accuse.” A bitter denunciation. I should start by saying that my last blog was a resounding triumph in Canine Literature. Normally, my blogs are hungrily received and widely acclaimed by the top critics of the land. I have heard tell that my last blog caused several prominent critics to completely explode in a flash of […]
Continue ReadingJun 1, 2019
The blog is starting!!! The blog is starting!!!! Please be seated and turn your cellphone off. To be quite honest, I’m not sure how dogs evolved. They should be a dead branch on the evolutionary tree considering some of the things they eat – chicken bones, tacos, socks, couch stuffing, rotting things, socks, rat poison, […]
Continue ReadingMay 1, 2019
Hi there, Max here! I am Don and Liana’s first dog. I am the first Salty Dog. I am 12 years old. I am Max – Maximus Gary Kingsbury. Did I mention that I am Don and Liana’s first dog? I have been described as a “Great Dog” by you Bipeds. If that is true, […]
Continue ReadingApr 1, 2019
Hi everyone. It’s Big Buddy! It’s my turn to write the blog this month. I’m not sure why they still let me write a blog. Sometimes I think it’s because they feel sorry for me and other times Don will say that people really love my blogs and will send emails to say they love […]
Continue ReadingMar 1, 2019
Good Day, you drunken gadabouts. I am often unfairly criticized for being too harsh. However, in the interests of ceasing your incessant e-prattle, I am now going to answer questions submitted by you – the confused and chunky canine hordes of America. I do this without anger and in the genuine hopes of helping my fellow canines. […]
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