Dec 1, 2015
Hi everyone! It’s me – Big Smart Buddy! We had such a great Thanksgiving. Dons Mom came to stay and there were such great smells coming from the kitchen I could hardly believe it! It was everything I could do to not hop up on the hot stove and eat all the food. Then it […]
Continue ReadingNov 1, 2015
Max here. I am just fine, thank you! What a great fall we had here in Boothbay Harbor! There were so many blueberries and raspberries and blackberries! And now all the apples are becoming rotten. Even Don will grab a few ripe ones off the tree as we hike Boothbay Region Land Trusts Singing Meadows Preserve. For […]
Continue ReadingOct 1, 2015
I am Emperor Augustus, your Canine Lord and Master. I can be benevolent or malevolent. Your attitude towards me will determine what attitude you shall receive from me. Thanks a lot, Deadnoses. One of you ratted me out and ruined my dreams and ambitions of taking over this rotten pack in a single email. Please […]
Continue ReadingSep 4, 2015
Thank you for calling me Handsome Coal Dog. I have been working on ways to become more handsome for all the nice people. There is this lovely pile of rotten seaweed in Southport I’ve been trying to work into my back and belly areas. And I just love the chance to work that warm, moisturizing, […]
Continue ReadingAug 18, 2015
Hello There! Don calls me “Big Dumb Buddy” because he says I’m big, I’m dumb, and my name is Buddy. Sometimes he’ll sing a song to me: ~~~~~ He’s a Big Dumb Buddy Dog, Buddy Dog. He’s our big dumb dog. We love Big Dumb Buddy Dog, Buddy Dog, Because he’s a big dumb dog. […]
Continue ReadingAug 1, 2015
Max Here! I am just fine. Thank You! For those of you who expected Buddy to be writing this blog because it was his turn, he’s asked me to tell you that he is completely exhausted from winning the Doggie Musical Chairs at the Mutt Scrub. It was a huge achievement for the old boy […]
Continue ReadingJul 1, 2015
I am Augustus Megatron Bulldozer. If you do exactly as I say, EXACTLY…… you may stand a chance of leaving Boothbay Harbor alive this summer. As so many of you know, my birthday is on July 5th. I will be turning four in dog years, but in human years I’ll be turning 28 – old […]
Continue ReadingJun 1, 2015
We’re used to a lot of craziness around Chez Salty. But you will need to suspend disbelief when I tell you what befell us 4 Good Dogs on the weekend of May 2nd. The day started out normally enough. A great day of treats and belly rubs for us boys at the shop while I […]
Continue ReadingMay 1, 2015
My name is Buddy and this is my first time writing on the Blog. Or anything for that matter. I hope I don’t let you all down! All the other dogs have been asking me to write. I think they don’t want to write as much. Except for Auggie. He writes a lot. And I […]
Continue ReadingApr 1, 2015
Max here! I am just fine, thank you! Did you vote for us as the best Maine Pet Store? No? DO IT NOW! Do it NOW!!!!!!!!!!! Don always jokes that if we don’t win he’ll have to give one of us dogs up to medical testing just to make ends meet. But I’m not sure he’s joking […]
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