Himalayan Dog Chew is 100% natural with no preservatives.
They're also gluten-free! Depending on the size and eating habits of your dog, this can be a very long-lasting dog chew. Dogs must work the end of the treat for hours, softening it with their mouths before small parts of it can be slowly chewed off. When you give this treat to your dog, you know that you are providing them with hours of high-quality eating entertainment.
Himalayan Dog Chews were born from an ancient recipe for a hard cheese snack chewed by the people of the Himalayas. In the mountains surrounding Mt. Everest at more than 15,000 feet, it is made using traditional methods with yak and/or cow milk, and all natural products with no preservatives or binding agents.
Safety: As with any chew treat, please observe your dog to make sure this treat is being eaten properly. Your dog should not be biting down on the treat. He/she should be scraping the reconstituted wet cheese from the end. Also make sure to take away the last bit when it becomes a swallowing or choking hazard to your dog. Follow the microwave instructions on the package to make a great treat out of this last bit!
3 - 4 Pieces = 359 Cal
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