Explore Pet-Friendly Boothbay

Best of Maine 2021

As voted in Downeast Magazine


  • Recycled tennis balls from the Boothbay Region!
  • Tennis balls are donated by local Boothbay people.
  • Every cent goes to local animal charities Action for Animals, and Old Dogs New Digs.
  • ONE tennis ball per dollar
  • Balls are used, so there aren't nasty chemicals on them.
  • 2.5" in diameter, so it will fit in a Chuck-It.



We call these "Deb's" used tennis balls because Liana's mom, "Deb" is a fanatical tennis player and would get rid of her old, worn out tennis balls by giving them to our dogs. Considering we go through a fair amount of balls with 4 Labrador Retrievers, it was a godsend!

So when we started the store, we thought if we could coordinate the local tennis players to donate their worn out tennis balls with the dog owners in the area who wanted them, we would have a great way to support our local animal charities. And so far it has been a resounding success!

And make sure to check out Auggie's write-up on "Max and Aug's Dog Blog!" where he explains how important it is to support your local animal shelter.

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